Boosting Sand Monitoring Accuracy for Effective Sand Management

Sand production plugs perforations, fills up tubulars and surface flowlines, erodes chokes, valves, pumps and many other surface process equipment. Therefore, increasing the accuracy of sand production data is crucial to ensuring…

New Group Financial Controller

We’re happy to welcome Noor Ahmed, who has joined us as the new Group Financial Controller. With nearly 30 years of experience in senior finance roles across various industries, Noor is a seasoned…

Sand Injection Calibration Case Study - North Sea

Check out our most recent case study on sand injection calibration, which is now online. The study focuses on our successful installation of a calibration system in the Southern North Sea, which…

SMS Invests in Team Training

At SMS, we place a high priority on building strong relationships with our clients by providing high-quality products and services tailored to their unique needs and concerns. But we don't stop there.…

Happy Labour Day!

Looks like another long weekend is approaching. We would like to extend our warm wishes to everyone from all fields on this upcoming Labour Day. Take the opportunity to rejuvenate and enjoy…

Eid al-Fitr 2023

SMS Group wishes everyone a peaceful and happy Eid al-Fitr. May the month of Syawal be a time of forgiveness, reflection, and gratitude for all the blessings in our lives.

SMS Malaysia New Operations Lead

We are happy to announce that our colleague, Mazlan Ramli, has been promoted to the position of Operations Lead. Over the last 5 years, Mazlan has proven himself to be an asset to…

Let Us Help You Choose the Right Materials for Your Operations

During the sand injection process, sand is injected in the form of slurry. This is a mixture of sand and a carrier liquid such as water or oil. However, the success of…

Hiring Now: Workshop Technician for our Labuan facilities in Malaysia.

We are looking for a Workshop Technician to join our team in Malaysia at our Labuan facilities. The ideal candidate will have a solid technical background, excellent problem-solving abilities, and a strong…

Tailored Mini Separators by Production Chemistry Leader.

Mini separators play a vital role in production facilities to obtain samples according to their phases from individual wells. They can be used to capture solids as well. These smaller and compact…
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