Adam Taha is our most senior field specialist in SMS Malaysia and he was tasked with training and guiding our new engineer Mohd Fazierulazwan. He successfully completed one of our recent jobs at offshore…
We are seeking a dynamic and driven technical sales engineer to join the UK team and help us grow our client base. Think you have got what it takes to be part…
And that's a wrap, post PCSB MHSEV 2022 group photo. From left to right Mazlan Ramli (SMS Lead Operations Engineer & Safety Specialist), Izwan (PCSB Senior Manager), Thevaruban Ragunathan (SMS Operations Engineer), Eadie Azahar (PCSB Senior…
On Wednesday, our client PETRONAS conducted a Management HSE Visit to our facility in Labuan. Throughout this visit, the client emphasized both service quality and HSE compliance. Here is our Safety Specialist Mazlan Ramli supplying details…
Our UK operation’s Amir Bayat, Fraser Macleod and vendor’s Sampling and Injection Solution team had a bustling last week. We ran multiple tests for the Sand Injection Calibration solution to calibrate sand detectors against sand…
An onshore Composite Integration Systems Test (CIST) procedure was carried out earlier this week by our operation team in Malaysia with one of our major clients for acoustic sand detection arrays and…
Measure the Concentrations of Solids, Oil, and Gas in Water in Real-Time.
Your facility’s productivity and product quality can be effectively improved with proper analytical measurement and data management. Without having to manually handle lab samples or deal with a pile of paperwork, live…
British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) Annual General Meeting 2022
Yesterday, our Operations Manager, Jonathan Ambrose, represented SMS Group at the Annual General Meeting 2022 (AGM) of the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) held at JW Marriott Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Chairing the AGM, was Mr…
Learning is a lifelong journey; professional development a never ending voyage. At SMS Group, we support continuous growth and development of our talents to support their career progression and ultimately provide first class…
Sabah Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition (SOGCE)
Last week, the Sabah Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition (SOGCE) hosted its 9th edition at the Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC) in Kota Kinabalu. Our Technical Sales Engineer, Ts. Jasvinder Singh Rajindar…
We'd like to extend a warm welcome to our newest engineer, Mohd Fazierulazuan, who recently joined the Malaysia operations team. Fazierul is no stranger to the energy industry since he has over ten…
Over the last two years, SMS UK has been building a Structural Health Monitoring Digital Twin System with Mitsubishi Shipping as our worldwide partner and the University of Strathclyde as our Scottish…
Our UK office will be closed on Friday, June 3rd to commemorate The Queen's 70 years as the first British monarch. We hope you enjoy this special year and happy holiday.
Yesterday we had our Operations Manager Jonathan Ambrose and Technical Sales Engineer Ts. Jasvinder Singh Rajindar Singh to represent SMS Malaysia, as one of the nominees for the UK – Malaysia Business…