/ January 18, 2024
Choosing the right H2S gas analyser for your operations based on specific needs and applications is crucial for both product quality control and personnel safety. It's important to note that the market offers a variety of analysers, but it’s not uniformly equipped with the same functions and principles. At SMS, we provide two types of analysers capable of measuring as low as 0 to 100ppm of H2S gas. These zero-manpower systems are designed for real-time monitoring and precise tracking of H2S levels up to 30% and 50%. With an accuracy of ±0.5%, it is also built with specific gravity, ensuring reliable measurements. Having worked alongside many clients and effectively managing a diverse array of H2S scenarios, we can provide bespoke solutions tailored precisely to your unique needs and challenges. Contact us for a comprehensive discussion on the best-suited solution for your operations.