Remote Management Success Story

By using multiple sensing arrays tied into IT Infrastructure to enable office based management and reporting we saved bed space offshore, and reduced the cost of offshore personnel during a long project. Instant data, fast response and alarming for operational events were all still available along with accurate decision making capability.

Our Client: Major International Oil and Gas Operator

The Location: North Sea

The Technical Challenge

As an output of a Coiled Tubing Operations HAZOP in the North Sea there was a requirement to monitor the flowline for erosion rates and sand presence. Historically this would have required one of our engineers to be on board throughout all their in hole operations.


  • An erosion probe and acoustic monitor were installed on the flowline under the guidance of our engineer offshore.
  • Both pieces of monitoring equipment were connected to the platform’s internet connection by the offshore Telecoms Engineer.
  • The SMS Engineer was demobbed and continue to monitor for erosion and sand using a remote connection onshore.
  • Communication between the client’s offshore team and our team of engineers onshore was managed using telecom calls informing us when they were running in hole.

Acoustic Sand Monitor and Sacrificial Probe with Transmitter

Acoustic Sand Monitor and Sacrificial Probe with Transmitter


  • Sand and erosion monitoring personnel were brought onshore, reducing POB by one for the duration of in hole activities on project.
  • The platform team were alerted by telephone when first sand was detected.
  • Daily reports were issued by SMS to keep the onshore team up to speed.
  • We were issued with an emergency number so that we could contact the platform if erosion levels reach critical and integrity was likely to be compromised imminently.
  • Costs were reduced significantly through requiring less manpower offshore throughout the operation.
  • Automated systems provided instant access to accurate data to aid decision making.

Sand and Erosion Monitoring Onshore Readout

Sand and Erosion Monitoring Onshore Readout

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